Monday to Friday : 8:00am – 7:00pm | Saturday : 8:00am – 4:00pm | Closed Sunday and Public Holidays
Pet Insurance – Do I Really Need It?

Pet Insurance – Do I Really Need It?

Seeing your beloved pet seriously ill or injured is every pet owners’ worst nightmare, and often an emergency tip to the vet is needed to make ensure they receive fast and effective treatment that could potentially save their life. While most of us don’t think twice...
The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet

The Importance of Vaccinating Your Pet

Every time your pet leaves the house unvaccinated, it is at a high risk of contracting a serious and potentially fatal illness. It is recommended that you schedule at least one yearly veterinary appointment for your pet for both a check-up, and the chance to implement...
How to Care for Your Ageing Pooch

How to Care for Your Ageing Pooch

Ageing is not only a part of a human life, it is also a normal part of our pets’ life; And no doubt by this stage, your pet has become as much a part of the family as any human. As a dog gets older, he tends to become less mobile, his hearing and sight isn’t as...
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