Pet Care Services


Pet Care Services - Lost & Found

Check our register for lost & found pets in Armadale

Railway Avenue Veterinary Hospital is trusted by pet owners throughout Armadale to help reunite them with their lost and found pets. We like to think of our register of lost and found pets as your valuable friend when your cats and dogs go astray.

If you find a pet, we can scan it for a microchip and check our register for details of lost pets. When your pet goes missing, we can put your details on our register to give you the best chance of finding them.

Please contact our friendly reception staff if you wish to check or add your pet’s details to our register for lost and found pets.

Call our professional veterinary hospital today on 

08 9497 1547

Monday to Friday : 8:00am – 7:00pm | Saturday : 8:00am – 4:00pm | Closed Sunday and Public Holidays