Monday to Friday : 8:00am – 7:00pm | Saturday : 8:00am – 4:00pm | Closed Sunday and Public Holidays

Tragically, thousands of pets become lost every single year in Australia and not all of them are returned safely home to their owners. Even though you may have a collar on your pet with contact details, these can easily fall off, which is why microchipping is highly recommended as a permanent method of pet identification. At Railway Avenue Veterinary Hospital, microchipping can be done within a normal consultation giving you the peace of mind of knowing that you will have the best chance of being reunited with your furry friend should the unthinkable happen and your pet becomes lost.

Since 2015 all dogs in WA must be microchipped, and a recent Cat Law passed now requires all cats to be microchipped in WA too. Here we will take a deeper look at microchipping and why it’s so important.

What Is Microchipping?

A microchip is a permanent method of electronic identification. A chip, the size of a grain of rice, is implanted at the back of your pets neck. Each chip has a unique number, that is recorded into a database with all of the details about your pet. If you pet becomes lost, the chip can be scanned to instantly find your contact information.

When Should Microchipping Be Done?

Ideally your cat or dog should be microchipped when you first purchase or adopt your new pup or feline friend. This is the only way to effectively trace the origins of your pet. However, if your pet is not currently microchipped then you should make an appointment with your local Armadale-Byford veterinary clinic as soon as possible for a consultation about microchipping.

Is the Procedure Painful?

Microchipping takes only a few seconds and is a safe and simple procedure. Most pets will experience only minor discomfort if any at all. Some puppies and kittens may flinch a little, but the pain is minimal. The benefits of this minor discomfort far outweigh the prospect of your pet being lost for good.

Where Can I Microchip My Pet?

A microchip can only be implanted by someone who is authorised, such as a vet or an animal welfare organisation. Once microchipped, you simply register your pet with your local council. You will be required to provide your pet’s microchip number; the council will then send you a unique identification tag which your pet must wear at all times.

Keep Your Details Up to Date

It is very important that you advise if any of your details happen to change after microchipping your pet. If you change address or phone number, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Notify the microchip registration body that your pet was microchipped by originally.
  • Let your council know. If you’ve moved councils, you’ll also need to provide a copy of your original registration certificate in order to transition your pet’s registration to the new council.

At Railway Avenue Veterinary Hospital we want your pets to enjoy a long, and healthy life and understand your pet is an important member of your family. For expert advice and assistance on the best time to microchip your pet, get in touch with your local Mount Richon vet by calling (08) 9497 1547. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online now.

+08 9497 1547