Monday to Friday : 8:00am – 7:00pm | Saturday : 8:00am – 4:00pm | Closed Sunday and Public Holidays

While the summer season promises outdoor adventures and sunny escapades, it also brings scorching temperatures and a set of considerations for the well-being of our four-legged companions. So, here we will explore some essential summer care tips to ensure your pets stay cool, happy, and healthy during those hot, sun-soaked days.

Hydration Station

Water, Water, Water! Just like us, pets need extra hydration in the heat. Ensure a constant supply of fresh, cool water. Consider adding ice cubes to their water bowl for an extra refreshing touch or installing a refillable drinking bowl that is connected to a garden tap or other water supply.

Don’t forget portable hydration too. Whether you’re headed to the park or on a road trip, bring a collapsible water bowl and a water bottle to keep your pet hydrated on the go.

Cooling Retreats

Create shaded areas in your backyard or balcony where your pet can escape the direct sun. If venturing out for a play or a picnic, portable shade tents or umbrellas work well at beaches and parks.

Cooling Mats

Invest in cooling mats for indoor and outdoor use. Available from most pet stores, and even some department stores, these sleeping mats stay cool without refrigeration, providing a comfortable spot for your pet to chill out and sleep in comfort.

Paw Protection

Be aware of hot pavements! Asphalt can heat up quickly and become too hot for your pet’s paws. Opt for walks in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower or stick to grassy areas. You may like to consider using paw balm to protect your pet’s paws from hot surfaces. This can also help moisturise paw pads that may become dry from walking on hot terrain.

Grooming Goodness

Brush your pet regularly to remove excess fur, helping them stay cool and reducing the risk of matting. Long-haired pets may benefit from a summer trim. For pets with light-coloured or thin fur, apply pet-safe sunscreen to areas with exposed skin, like the nose and ears. Consult your veterinarian for suitable products.

Playtime Precautions

Schedule playtime and walks during the cooler parts of the day. Avoid strenuous activities during peak heat hours to prevent overheating. You can also introduce water play to keep your pet cool. Kiddie pools, sprinklers, or a day at the dog beach can be enjoyable ways for them to beat the heat.

Bug Battle

Keep up with your pet’s flea and tick prevention treatments, as these pests are more active in warm weather. Consult your local Seville Grove vet for the most effective products.

Car Safety

Never leave pets in cars! Even with windows cracked, cars can become dangerously hot. Don’t leave your pet unattended in a parked car, even for a short time. If you’re taking your pet on a car trip, ensure proper ventilation, consider using sunshades for the windows, and make regular stops for a drink and a stretch.

Veterinary Visits

Schedule a summer check-up with your trusted vet. Armadale’s Railway Avenue Veterinary Hospital is here to help with all your pet care needs. Our team will help you ensure vaccinations are up-to-date and discuss any specific concerns related to the season.

Be Prepared for an Emergency

Know the signs of heatstroke in pets and have the contact information for an emergency vet handy. Symptoms include excessive panting, lethargy, and drooling.

A Summer of Wagging Tails and Content Purrs

With these summer care tips you and your beloved furry friends are ready to embark on a season of sunny adventures and lazy lounging. By staying mindful of hydration, shade, and protecting paws, you can ensure your pets enjoy a summer filled with cool paws, waggy tails and endless memories. Here’s to a season of joyful companionship under the warm embrace of the summer sun!

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